'18 Quarter 4: Keep A Brest
October is around the corner (how did that happen so fast???) which means it is also Breast Cancer Prevention Month!
Did you know 40% of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump?
Grassroots has chosen Keep A Breast for our new, 4th quarter, "Charity of the Season". We will be donating a percentage off all our sales back to the charity at the end of the season.
Keep a Breast & Grassroots California need your help in spreading the word about our Check Yourself! App so we can reach as many people as possible with our self-check step-by-step guide and monthly reminder! We are currently at 61K downloads and our goal is to hit 80K downloads this year.
We would love it if you, and all of your friends & family, participated in our social #checkyourselfie campaign this October!! Below are some instructions to help walk you through this process.
In addition, Keep A Breast has blogs and education graphics available if you want to get more involved.
Let's do this!
The Keep A Breast Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit breast cancer organization with a mission to empower young people all over the world with breast health education and support.
Early detection is the key and knowing what is “normal” for your body is an integral part of that. Keep A Breast developed the Check Yourself! App to do just that: help young women all over the world to develop a healthy life-long relationship with their bodies. By checking yourself once a month, you are able to detect abnormalities at the first sign of change.
The app has a step-by-step guide using animated gifs, a scheduling tool that allows you to set-up an automatic monthly reminder, breast health information, in-app sharing tools, and more. It is FREE and available for iOS and Android, available in 7 languages (more to come!), and has been downloaded by over 60,000 people in 170+ countries
The Keep A Breast Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit breast cancer organization with a mission to empower young people all over the world with breast health education and support.
Early detection is the key and knowing what is “normal” for your body is an integral part of that. Keep A Breast developed the Check Yourself! App to do just that: help young women all over the world to develop a healthy life-long relationship with their bodies. By checking yourself once a month, you are able to detect abnormalities at the first sign of change.
The app has a step-by-step guide using animated gifs, a scheduling tool that allows you to set-up an automatic monthly reminder, breast health information, in-app sharing tools, and more. It is FREE and available for iOS and Android, available in 7 languages (more to come!), and has been downloaded by over 60,000 people in 170+ countries
On Instagram, please post a #checkyourselfie picture of yourself. Just take a selfie with three fingers to your breast, symbolizing the self-check and signifying your support for Keep A Breast. That’s it!
On Instagram, please post a #checkyourselfie picture of yourself. Just take a selfie with three fingers to your breast, symbolizing the self-check and signifying your support for Keep A Breast. That’s it!
When you educate yourself, you empower yourself.